What? I need counseling, even in the summer?

Have you thought this question (whether you're an adult, teen, or kid)? We therapists in the private practice business tend to see a drop in clients' attendance and need for counseling during the warmer and sunnier months of the year. Typically people are feeling brighter and are taking time off to go on vacation. Kids are also out of school and are less likely to be getting services while school is out. Teachers, social workers, and other school personnel are usually the ones that are instrumental in working with families to make sure they are getting therapeutic services. During that summer break, routines, schedules, and the "eyes" of school go to the wayside and priorities shift.

I continue to recommend to my clients that it's important to try to maintain frequency and consistency with counseling. This helps in the following ways:

1) Quicker results.

2) Better outcomes.

3) Less likelihood of digressing.

Even when you're getting out in the sun and the days are longer, your inner work still needs to be attended to. The shift in focus of counseling may be more maintenance than crisis or situation management driven. Continued counseling will help to promote self-awareness throughout all seasons of the year.

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