First Steps
Your First Counseling Visit
For many individuals, seeking therapy can seem like a scary or uncomfortable decision. Our goal at Meghan L Reitz and Associates is to make the therapeutic experience as positive, life changing and comfortable as possible. Here are answers to common questions about getting counseling:
Do I need therapy?
Counseling can provide you with new coping and reasoning skills, an alternative perspective, extra support from a non-judgmental third party, and an opportunity to vent about the stress and challenges you are facing in your life. When your thoughts and behaviors begin to disrupt your daily life and your relationships, a therapist can help you work through the problem, regain control and improve your confidence and well-being.
If your children or loved ones begin to display behaviors that are inconsistent with their normal behaviors, such as abusing drugs or alcohol, or are becoming difficult to communicate with, counseling can help to uncover the underlying causes while creating a safe environment to resolve them.

What is the first appointment like?
Our offices provide a private, comfortable setting to talk with your counselor. When you first arrive to our office you will be asked to complete your paperwork if you have not already done so. When you initially meet with your counselor she will discuss the therapy process with you as well as any questions you may have before getting started. The appointment will last approximately 45-50 minutes. The counselor will help facilitate conversation and get to know you and the issues you are facing. Our goal at Meghan L Reitz and Associates is to help you to cope and make the necessary changes in your life to improve your mental health and well-being.
Do you accept my insurance?
Insurance can be confusing, especially when it comes to coverage for mental health services. We will help you to understand your insurance plan and provide initial upfront estimates of any out-of-pocket costs you may have for co-pays, co-insurances, or deductibles. Ultimately, insurance is a form of payment like any other, but we understand how confusing it has become to use in recent years. Therefore, our goal in the pre-registration process is meant to ensure you have a better understanding of your benefits and how you can use them with us.
MLRA currently accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO plans, Optum / United Healthcare plans and some EAP plans. You may also have out-of-network benefits that may be used to get some reimbursement for the fees directly from your insurance plan.

What if I don't have insurance or you don't accept my insurance?
We accept Self-Pay clients and can offer a sliding scale based on household income. We accept cash, check, credit card or debit card payments.
What is your screening and pre-registration process?
When you initially contact MLRA, we will speak to you by phone and conduct a confidential pre-registration screening. On average, this takes about 5-10 minutes and provides you with an opportunity to discuss with our staff your reason for seeking counseling, your insurance or payment options, and schedule an appointment with one of our counselors.
Our goal at Meghan L Reitz and Associates is to improve your mental health and well-being. In order to ensure you get the best help possible, if we feel your needs are incompatible with our therapist’s areas of expertise, we may refer you to other qualified providers in area if possible.
After you schedule your appointment we will send you a confirmation of your appointment by email along a with a link to our client portal where you can complete your registration documents, similar to what you might normally fill out at a doctors office. At your first appointment, please bring your drivers license and insurance card.

Is counseling confidential?
Yes, your treatment is confidential and protected by HIPAA laws and our ethical code. However, there are a few exceptions, which include cases of suspected abuse, threats of violence to others, and serious intentions to self-harm.
Will you prescribe medication?
NO! In fact, we do not prescribe medication at all. Should we feel it would be a significant benefit to you, your therapist may suggest seeing a qualified psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will conduct an evaluation and determine whether to prescribe medication.
For the best results, MLRA believes individuals who are on medication for mental health conditions, should be actively involved in ongoing talk therapy.