Insights and ideas from the therapist team at Meghan L. Reitz and Associates.
Recently, I watched a very interesting documentary on people with sleep disorders. The focus of the program was mainly on individuals who struggled with insomnia. According to the dictionary, INSOMNIA is defined as: habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
Is it me or is health insurance a bear to deal with? This is a question that I often ask myself both from a personal and professional standpoint. It isn't you, it's them. Not to sound like a cliche, but you aren't going crazy. Healthcare, insurance, managed care- it is difficult to understand.
Stress, Depression, and Anxiety Management Apps and Websites</a></h5> Counselors often are asked if there are any apps or websites that we would suggest for managing mood, tracking anxiety or depression, and alleviating stress. In this article, our practice will provide a list of apps and websites we often suggest to clients to help aid in the therapeutic process.
What? I need counseling, even in the summer? Have you thought this question (whether you're an adult, teen, or kid)?