Insights and ideas from the therapist team at Meghan L. Reitz and Associates.
Change is what makes us human. It is a natural way of life as we know it- integral to growth, both physical and emotional. Change occurs whether we are ready for it or not, and sometimes we do everything we can to abstain from change because the fear of the unknown holds us back.
Have you ever hoped to influence an outcome of a situation? Or possibly attempt to manipulate someone's response to result in your desired outcome? We all do it, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) affects a great deal of people throughout the world. Basically what it means is that someone's moods are affected by changes in seasons. This is pronounced in individuals who live in more northerly climates.
What a more fitting topic to discuss while we enter February, the month of "love." Valentine's Day. Many people cringe at the very mention of this holiday. Mainly it is a "Hallmark" sort of holiday.